工作职责:To lead team to establish,implement ,maintain and continually impove QEHS management system consistent with statutory and regulatory and customer requirement as 9 points oscv audit system; To lead to identify and assess laws and regulations suitable clause and establish identification list regularly,even to up to ISO9001 and ISO14001 and OHSAS18001; To lead team to cascade and implement Sodexo QEHS strategy and policy as annual HSE key metures and performance indicators; To make QEHS annual major plan and target for sites; To communicate with global and Asia QHES team and regional PSSL about QEHS project; To support on-site team about QEHS issues through kinds of manners in the operation process; To organize on-site risk identification and assenssment termly and monitor site to close up risk; To organize national QEHS monthly review meeting to highlight site good practice and share the completion status of key job ,and raise barriers need team help to figure out; To go site to support the importance internal and external audit containing pre-audit then improve management system on the basis of audit report.; To support operation RD and FM to finish site QEHS incident investigation and incident report and incident action implementation in the incident management system like salus; To provide key training for site HSE engineer anytime in aspect of QEHS management skill and management capability; To make and submit QEHS monthly report to RD and customer ; To support to establish QEHS management system when starting new project on the scope of the P